Boost your sales with 360° virtual tour made to measure

Boost your sales with a
360° virtual tour
immersive and interactive virtual tour!
Tailor-made to meet your objectives.

Boost your sales with 360° virtual tour made to measure

Boost your sales with a
360° virtual tour
immersive and interactive virtual tour!
Tailor-made to meet your objectives.

Whatever your industry ,

A Matterport visit to your facility, thanks to the expertise of, is a source of performance for your company. It allows you to :

Innovation and accessibility are at the heart of our thinking at

Our agency mobilizes all the skills and knowledge of its experts to create immersive Matterport 3D virtual tours, driving conversion and performance.

Innovation and accessibility are at the heart of our thinking at

Our agency mobilizes all the skills and knowledge of its experts to create immersive Matterport 3D virtual tours, driving conversion and performance.

Promote your business with a Matterport virtual tour

Whatever type of location you want to showcase, a Matterport Matterport virtual tour
allows you to


by immersing yourself in your establishment


your location on search engines


the reach of your visibility to hard-to-reach targets

Bringing out

in the minds of virtual visitors, the desire to go there in person


qualified traffic: people who are genuinely interested in discovering your site

Save money

investment of time and human resources (explanations, carrying out the visit, etc.)

Making it accessible

this 360° web tour is available toall individuals, regardless of their physical condition, and from anywhere in the world.

The advantages of [visite virtuelle] Matterport

Whether it’s a visit to a museum, a property, a shop, a hotel, a restaurant, a castle, a casino or any other indoor or outdoor space, this video will enable you to promote it and make your prospects want to go there in person.

With easyVirtual. tours, you can encourage your prospects to convert by introducing them to your company.

The agency makes these immersive tours accessible to people with disabilities. We also offer voice-over and commentary translation in over 50 languages.

Innovation and accessibility
The advantages of [visite virtuelle] Matterport

Whether it’s a visit to a museum, a property, a shop, a hotel, a restaurant, a castle, a casino or any other indoor or outdoor space, this video will enable you to promote it and make your prospects want to go there in person.

With easyVirtual. tours, you can encourage your prospects to convert by introducing them to your company.

The agency makes these immersive tours accessible to people with disabilities. We also offer voice-over and commentary translation in over 50 languages.

Innovation and accessibility

Convert with a personalized, interactive 360° tour

Rely on for a tailor-made, interactive 360° tourthat optimizes the user journey and encourages your prospects to convert.

Virtual tour [sur mesure] designed by experts

To create an immersive visit that reflects your personality and is capable of converting, our experts follow a precise, multi-step process.

The presentation

Presentation of our services and the options we can offer you

Your project

A discussion to understand your project and identify your objectives, expectations and issues.


Editing the various visuals to create your 3D tour


Validation and integration of your 360-degree tour into Google Maps, Google Street View and Google Business Profile platforms

Discover the whole process
  • The first meeting with you
  • Presentation of

    our services

    and the options we can offer you
  • A discussion to understand your project and identify your objectives, expectations, issues…
  • Drawing up a quotation tailored to the services required and subscribed to
  • Fixing a date to take the photographs and scans needed to create your immersive video virtual tour.
  • Shooting at the location you wish to promote
  • Editing the various visuals to create your 3D tour
  • Presentation of the first version, discussion of the desired user path and addition of potential interactions
  • Introducing a new version
  • Validation and integration of your 360-degree tour into Google Maps, Google Street View and Google Business Profile platforms
  • Transmission of the resources you need to integrate your virtual tours into your website, social networks, communication media, etc.

This last step enables you to gain visibility in your geographical area (local SEO).

The duration of this process depends on the number of square meters of the environment to be virtualized, the presence of stairs or mirrors, the number of interactions to be added, etc. Every project is different.

At, we want to make virtual tours accessible to everyone, everywhere in the world. That’s why we offer you high-quality, cost-effective services to meet your expectations and challenges!

Visit [réalité virtuelle] to conversion-driving interactions

virtual reality tour
is qualified as “interactive” when it includes interaction points. They can be materialized by taking measurements in a room, by a click, by hovering over an element, by moving from one point to another, by flashing a QR code… When these actions take place, individuals find themselves on a converting page. Conversion varies from one activity to another, and can take the form of a contact, a purchase, etc.

At we enable every company to [convertir]

Not least thanks to a tailor-made virtual tour service and strategic, well-thought-out interaction points.
Here are a few examples



Access to reception contact details by clicking on the desk in the immersive video



Reserve a well-positioned table by hovering the mouse over it.



Calling the school to find out about enrolment procedures

Museum gift store

Museum gift store

Consideration of products offered for sale, following a visit to the historical/cultural site concerned

Furniture sales

Furniture sales

3D modeling allows you to present your products in the environment of future buyers.



The seats are selected after taking into account the room in virtual format.



Flashing a QR code on a specific seat allows prospects to position themselves in that seat during a match.



Purchase is made by clicking on the desired product, virtually materialized in the store.

Our agency adapts to your challenges, needs and expectations so that you can achieve your objectives.

Each player has its own specificities, and each company its own conversion tunnel.
Visible all over the world, our 360° tours enable you to reach a wider audience and increase your financial revenues in the long term.

Our agency adapts to your challenges, needs and expectations so that you can achieve your objectives.

Each player has its own specificities, and each company its own conversion tunnel.
Visible all over the world, our 360° tours enable you to reach a wider audience and increase your financial revenues in the long term.

Stand out from the crowd with our Matterport creations, playful virtual tours

Differentiate yourself from your competitors with our projects on Matterport. Our virtual tours This fun way to stand out from the crowd, save money and free up the time of trainers, who are sometimes overworked.

A virtual tour of France that makes [l’apprentissage] fun

A virtual tour of France that makes [l’apprentissage] fun

A virtual tour of France, created by, makes learning fun.

What better way to get students excited about learning than by completing a treasure hunt? We offer fun, tiered 360 tours. Once a step has been validated, the learner can move on to the next...

Read more

Games, quizzes, treasure hunts and escape games can also be integrated into the virtual immersions of your educational establishments.

In their distraction-rich environment, this innovative format stimulates the mind, encourages concentration and promotes memorization.

A 360° VR tour that [sensibilise] to regulated and risky professions

A 360° VR tour that [sensibilise] to regulated and risky professions

A VR 360 tour will raise awareness of all the standards, constraints and obligations of certain highly regulated sectors, which face risks if they are not complied with.

Some sectors, such as health, safety or fire standards, are experiencing constant recruitment. Temporary staff, temporary workers, extras... new arrivals need to be trained and made aware of all the company's practices, values, commitments and constraints.

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When several thousand people pass through a facility every month, for example, internal training processes need to be optimized. A virtual tour enriched with detailed, documented training courses saves you time, without losing the quality of the transmissions.

In fact, the interactive video will only be produced once for several thousand new entrants. Imagine the number of hours and trainers you would have needed to carry out these tasks!

A VR visit for [promouvoir] structures with high turnover

A VR visit for [promouvoir] structures with high turnover

Is your company experiencing high staff turnover? A tour of your company's premises can feature your employees as avatars, presenting your values, commitments and differentiating points.

In this way, you'll encourage potential applicants to apply. In the same way as for real estate visits, the people who come to the site will be genuinely interested. This approach also saves you time in your recruitment processes.

Read more

What’s more, candidates will be able to visualize the location of their future office, including electrical outlets, rest areas and areas conducive to productivity… This whole approach also encourages a sense of belonging.

Analyze user data from your 3D tour

The path of your 3D visit can be analyzed, giving rise to strategic marketing actions. Our agency, which specializes in immersive visits, can provide you with detailed reports on all your visitors’ behavioral data.

These allow you to :

Get to know your audience better

and adapt your offers

Collect visitor data

during registration for professional events, reservations, etc.


in the souvenir stores at the end of the virtual cultural tours

Implement fare reductions

on physical admission tickets, for virtual visitors

Why analyze this data?

These analyses enable you to better understand your visitors and their preferences. In this way, you’ll be able to set up targeted strategic actions to encourage people to discover the place in person.

Why analyze this data?

These analyses enable you to better understand your visitors and their preferences. In this way, you’ll be able to set up targeted strategic actions to encourage people to discover the place in person.

These allow you to :

Get to know your audience better

and adapt your offers

Collect visitor data

during registration for professional events, reservations, etc.


in the souvenir stores at the end of the virtual cultural tours

Implement fare reductions

on physical admission tickets, for virtual visitors

Our [clients] much more than a 3D virtual tour agency

Much more than a 3D virtual tour agency, our offer [s'adapte]

Much more than just a 3D virtual tour agency, adapts to your needs. We offer customized services tailored to your needs, expectations, challenges and issues, including :

Thank you for your [confiance]

Miss S
Miss S
An amazing team with positive and incredible projects.
Association Start in Saclay
Association Start in Saclay
Nous recommandons Eazy Virtual ses visites virtuelles! C'est un moyen très efficace d'attirer de nouveaux clients et de gagner en visibilité. De plus, notre prestataire (Alexis) a été efficace. Il a su être à notre écoute, répondre à nos demandes, tout en nous guidant, et a respecté tous nos délais. Encore merci!
Corentin Bertin
Corentin Bertin
J'ai fait appel aux services de l'équipe Easy Virtual pour la visite virtuelle de notre agence. Équipe jeune, dynamique et super professionnelle. Je recommande!
Une équipe géniale avec un vrai savoir faire !! Je recommande 🙌🏻
Bryan Nebechi
Bryan Nebechi
Quick and incredibly professional service. I would recommend to anyone with property of all sizes.
Félix Morillion
Félix Morillion
Très clair Facile d’accès
François Rbl
François Rbl
Une équipe de professionnels au top ! Qui proposent une visite en immersion comme si on y était 👍